Apologies that you have received a damaged item - this usually does not happen.
It’s always a good idea to check that the parcel hasn’t been damaged before accepting your delivery. If it has been obviously damaged during transportation, then don't accept or sign for it. It’ll be sent back to us and we’ll refund you in full.
If you’ve already accepted the parcel or it was accepted by a neighbor, please contact our customer experience service team
Following the reception of a damaged item, you must notify us within the 30 days from the delivery date for us to initiate the claim or refund process. Please contact our customer experience service team and provide them with the following:
· your order number for them to make the necessary verification.
· at least three (3) pictures of the defective item: your product, the identification tags (or care label inside the garment); and a closeup on the defect. You can attach these pictures to your return request.